Important Tips For Swimming In The Dead Sea
Jun 21, 2023 By Sean William

If you are looking to swim and float in the salty waters of the Dead Sea, it is important to take some necessary precautions. Swimming in these unique waters can be a fun and exciting experience, but there are many risks associated with this activity that must be taken into account before taking the plunge.

We will provide an overview of what it takes to successfully navigate swimming in the Dead Sea while offering tips on how best to enjoy your time out in this incredible body of water.

Where is the Dead Sea?

The Dead Sea is between Jordan, Israel, and Palestine in the Middle East. Mountains border it and sit about 1,400 feet below sea level, making it the lowest point on Earth. The water of the Dead Sea is extremely salty, with over eight times more salt content than other oceans or seas around the world.

Why is the Dead Sea a popular place to visit?

The Dead Sea has become a popular destination for people looking to experience its unique and therapeutic properties. Its high salt content makes it the perfect place to float on the water's surface with little effort, making swimming in this body of water a fun and relaxing activity.

Dead Sea mud is known for its healing properties that are said to help skin ailments such as psoriasis. For these reasons, the area around the Dead Sea has seen a rise in tourism over the years, further solidifying its status as one of the premier attractions in the Middle East.

Safety Tips for Swimming in The Dead Sea

Some safety precautions must be taken before swimming in the Dead Sea. The most important is to avoid drinking or ingesting any of the water as it can cause serious health risks due to its extremely high salt content.

People with open wounds should avoid entering the sea until they have healed completely. Sunscreen should also be applied liberally and often while swimming in the Dead Sea as the sun's rays reflect off the water's surface and can burn skin quickly if not properly protected.

Furthermore, anyone with heart conditions or other medical issues should consult a doctor before participating in this activity.

Do not try to swim in the Dead Sea

Swimming in the Dead Sea is not recommended as the salt content of the water makes it difficult to swim against, and due to its low elevation any attempt at swimming could result in a dangerous situation.

Instead, visitors should take advantage of the natural buoyancy afforded by the waters and simply float along on its surface.

Go Swimming in Designated Areas Only

While swimming in certain areas may be prohibited, there are designated spots around the Dead Sea where visitors can safely take a dip and enjoy its many wonders. These areas are usually marked by buoys or other markers that indicate safe swimming zones.

Avoid Splashing

The water's high salt content in the Dead Sea can cause serious eye and skin irritation if it is splashed onto you. For this reason, it is important to avoid splashing or excessive movement while swimming in these waters.

Wear Water Shoes

The salty environment of the Dead Sea can cause serious irritation to feet and other exposed parts of the body if it is not properly covered. Water shoes are recommended when swimming in these waters as they help protect skin from becoming too dry and irritated due to contact with the salt water.

Protect Your Gear

The salty water of the Dead Sea is hard on any gear, such as cameras or phones, that might be brought along for a swim. It is important to ensure that all electronics are properly protected from salt by placing them in waterproof cases or bags before entering the water.

Never Put Your Head Underwater

Due to the extreme salinity of the Dead Sea, it is not recommended that anyone submerge their head underwater while swimming in these waters. Doing so can cause serious eye and skin irritation and should be avoided.

Don't Shave Before You Go Swimming

The high salt content of the Dead Sea can irritate skin that has been recently shaved, which is why it is important to wait at least 24 hours before swimming in these waters after shaving any part of your body.

Wear Something Old

The high salt content of the Dead Sea can cause serious damage to any clothing that is worn, so it is important to wear something old when swimming in these waters.

Limit your Time in the Water

The intense salt content of the Dead Sea can cause dehydration, which is why it's important to limit your time in these waters. Try taking breaks every 15-20 minutes for extended swimming sessions and avoid any strenuous activity while in the water.

Visit a Hotel Beach

Suppose you are looking for a safe and enjoyable swimming experience in the Dead Sea. In that case, many hotel beaches provide a secure and comfortable environment to enjoy your time on the water.

Don't Forget to Take a Shower

When you are finished enjoying your time in the Dead Sea, showering as soon as possible is important. The water's high salt content can cause serious irritation and even rash if not washed off immediately after leaving the sea.

Swimming in the Dead Sea can be an unforgettable and unique experience as long as certain safety precautions are considered.

By following these simple tips, anyone looking to dip in the Dead Sea can do so with peace of mind knowing that they are taking all necessary steps to remain safe while experiencing its many wonders.

Are There Any Activities Near The Dead Sea, And If So, What Are They?

Yes, there are many activities and attractions near the Dead Sea. The area around the Dead Sea is home to several resorts and spas that offer services such as massage, facials, and other beauty treatments.

Visitors can also take part in boat tours of the area or see some of the many historic sites in the region, such as Masada and Qumran National Park. Hiking trails through the Judean Desert also allow exploring the natural landscape surrounding the Dead Sea.


Can I put my hair in the Dead Sea?

Putting your head underwater in the Dead Sea is not recommended, as its high salt content can cause skin and eye irritation.

Is there a depth limit for swimming in the Dead Sea?

Yes, due to the shallow nature of the sea, most areas have a depth limit of about five feet, so visitors should avoid any strenuous activity while in the water.

Should I wear sunscreen at the Dead Sea?

Yes, applying sunscreen liberally and often when swimming in the Dead Sea is important as its reflective nature can cause sunburns quickly.


It is important to follow these tips to have the best experience when swimming in the Dead Sea. Keeping your eyes and mouth closed, avoiding sudden movements, and wearing a lifejacket are all essential steps for swimmers.

By exercising caution and being mindful of your body's needs, you can safely enjoy the serenity of the salty waters without any worries. Even though it might seem daunting, swimming in The Dead Sea is an incomparable and once-in-a-lifetime experience that will remain with you forever.

With its unique healing properties and challenging conditions, this saltwater paradise offers swimmers a unique way to explore one of the world's oldest destinations for relaxation and rejuvenation.